Monday, July 29: Luke 12:32–48 (St. Olaf)
At many times and in various ways, Jesus teaches that our treasure is not of this world. We must always be vigilant lest our proper considerations of our earthly responsibilities to our families and neighbors distract us from our trust in God providing for us. Although this world is what we see and know, we look forward to something far greater—Jesus Christ has promised to return in glory, at some point in the future, like a thief in the night.
Since we do not know what time He will return, we must always be ready for Him. He could come today, or tomorrow, or yet many years from now. We do not know when, but we know we must be ready. We keep our waists girded and oil in our lamps, not by our own efforts, but in hearing and receiving God’s means of grace, which He richly provides us in Word and Sacrament. We carry out our daily lives in service to God and each other, trusting that Christ is indeed coming again to take His believers to be with Him in everlasting joy and blessedness. As long as we live on earth, we have good works to do, to serve both God and neighbor. And when Christ returns, we shall be with Him forever. This promise comforts us when we feel small, weak, and insignificant.
Collect: O Lord, grant steadfastness in a faithful confession to those among the magistracy whom Thou hast gathered into Thy holy Church, and direct the hearts of the faithful to support them in their vocation; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
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